Chris Butterfield: Death stare...
Chris Butterfield: Crested Gecko. 27th May 2014.
Chris Butterfield: Crested Gecko. 10th May 2014.
Chris Butterfield: Baby Frilled Dragon.
Chris Butterfield: Brazilian Rainbow Boa. 28th December 2013.
Chris Butterfield: 'Draco' the Crested Gecko. 27th December 2013.
Chris Butterfield: Green Bottle Blue Tarantula. (Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens).
Chris Butterfield: Mexican Red Knee Tarantula. (Brachypelma smithi ).
Chris Butterfield: 'Jelly' the Leopard Gecko. 14th December 2013.
Chris Butterfield: Baby Frilled Dragon.. 28th November 2013.
Chris Butterfield: Leopard Gecko. 17th May 2013.
Chris Butterfield: Ex battery Hen. 11th May 2013.
Chris Butterfield: Oriental Fire Bellied Toad. (Bombina orientalis). 30th April 2013.
Chris Butterfield: Mexican Red Knee Tarantula. (Brachypelma smithi). 14th April 2013.
Chris Butterfield: Leopard Gecko. ((Eublepharis macularius). 23rd March 2013.
Chris Butterfield: Brazilian Rainbow Boa. 18th March 2013.
Chris Butterfield: western hognose. (heterodon nasicus). 20th january 2013.
Chris Butterfield: chile goldburst tarantula. (paraphysa parvula). 20th january 2013.
Chris Butterfield: greenbottle blue tarantula. (Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens). 19th january 2013.
Chris Butterfield: chile rose tarantula. (Grammostola rosea) 19th january 2013.
Chris Butterfield: male texas fence lizard. (Sceloporus undulatus). 24th december 2012.
Chris Butterfield: texas fence lizards. 24th december 2012.
Chris Butterfield: male changeable lizard (Calotes versicolour). 22nd december 2012.
Chris Butterfield: baby bearded dragon. (Pogona vitticeps). 20th October 2012
Chris Butterfield: female hainan cave gecko. (Goniurosaurus hainanensis). 15th September 2012
Chris Butterfield: female frilled dragon. (Chlamydosaurus kingii) 19th August 2012
Chris Butterfield: male north african eyed lizard. (Timon pater) 10th December 2011