Stamatis-Gr: Estamos despiertos
Stamatis-Gr: Missing the forest
Stamatis-Gr: Pass me that water
Stamatis-Gr: Catch me if you can
Stamatis-Gr: The dogs
Stamatis-Gr: Untitled
Stamatis-Gr: You were saying
Stamatis-Gr: I scream, you scream
Stamatis-Gr: Red and Blue
Stamatis-Gr: Frente
Stamatis-Gr: Disgusting
Stamatis-Gr: Red blob of paint
Stamatis-Gr: Stray poser
Stamatis-Gr: Useless, all of them
Stamatis-Gr: Hurry up!
Stamatis-Gr: Ratatuille helmet
Stamatis-Gr: Cigarette break
Stamatis-Gr: Revolutionary break
Stamatis-Gr: Good Joke
Stamatis-Gr: Visible
Stamatis-Gr: Even when the night came
Stamatis-Gr: We were still many
Stamatis-Gr: And many planned to spend the night there