joe83ltu: Brass Pipes
joe83ltu: Saxaphone Pipes and Trumpet
joe83ltu: Tuba Mirabilis
joe83ltu: Replacing Bottom Boards
joe83ltu: More Sodering
joe83ltu: Sodering Contacts
joe83ltu: Pipe Chamber
joe83ltu: Wurlitzer Console
joe83ltu: Console with Aztec Theme
joe83ltu: Numbering each Secondary
joe83ltu: Scraping out secondaries
joe83ltu: Relay Room
joe83ltu: Combination Action
joe83ltu: Secondaries About to me removed
joe83ltu: Bottom Boards
joe83ltu: Stripped bottomboard
joe83ltu: Removing Valves
joe83ltu: Removing Valves
joe83ltu: Releathering the Secondaries
joe83ltu: Restored Bottom Boards
joe83ltu: New Secondary
joe83ltu: Cleaned out windchest
joe83ltu: gluing in new secondaries
joe83ltu: crummy quick-fix we found
joe83ltu: Gluing in Secondaries
joe83ltu: Aztec Console
joe83ltu: bare_pneumatic_beside_completed_one
joe83ltu: bare_primary_pneumatic_beside_1928_original
joe83ltu: pneumatic_with_leather_partially_glued_on
joe83ltu: pneumatics_with_new_hinges_and_twill_needing_leather