Kate, Texas:
Kate, Texas:
Kate, Texas:
Kate, Texas:
More storage than I know what to do with
Kate, Texas:
Gorgeous doors
Kate, Texas:
Getting settled in
Kate, Texas:
Getting settled in
Kate, Texas:
Getting settled in
Kate, Texas:
Getting settled in
Kate, Texas:
Getting settled in
Kate, Texas:
OMG bathroom storage
Kate, Texas:
My shower room (no tub)
Kate, Texas:
My view of the backyard
Kate, Texas:
My girly shower rings
Kate, Texas:
My girly calendar
Kate, Texas:
Gorgeous light
Kate, Texas:
Getting settled in
Kate, Texas:
My sofa
Kate, Texas:
Gigantic, manly TV
Kate, Texas:
Living room
Kate, Texas:
View from the living room back
Kate, Texas:
This way lies dragons... or boys.
Kate, Texas:
Bicycle Room
Kate, Texas:
Bookshelf in the kitchen
Kate, Texas:
Off the kitchen
Kate, Texas:
Our kitchen
Kate, Texas:
Our kitchen
Kate, Texas:
Our kitchen
Kate, Texas:
Our kitchen
Kate, Texas:
Backyard and alley parking