lhboudreau: Rip Van Winkle by Washington Irving. London: William Heinemann, 1905. First Rackham Trade Edition
lhboudreau: "Taught them to fly kites." Art by Arthur Rackham
lhboudreau: "Not a dog would bark at him throughout the neighbourhood." Art by Arthur Rackham
lhboudreau: "Mutually relieving one another they clambered up a narrow gully." Art by Arthur Rackham
lhboudreau: "A company of odd-looking persons playing at ninepins." Art by Arthur Rackham
lhboudreau: "They stared at him with such fixed, statue-like gaze ..." Art by Arthur Rackham
lhboudreau: "He even ventured to taste the beverage..." Art by Arthur Rackham
lhboudreau: "The sleep of Rip Van Winkle." Art by Arthur Rackham
lhboudreau: "A troop of strange children ran at his heels, hooting after him..." Art by Arthur Rackham
lhboudreau: "He found the house gone to decay and his very dog had forgotten him." Art by Arthur Rackham
lhboudreau: "He preferred making friends among the rising generation..." Art by Arthur Rackham
lhboudreau: "Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens" by J. M. Barrie. London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1906. First Rackham Trade Edition
lhboudreau: Peter Pan Sails a Bird's Nest in a Mighty Storm. Art By Arthur Rackham
lhboudreau: Serpentine Lake with a Drowned Forest and Stars at the Bottom of it. Art by Arthur Rackham
lhboudreau: Old Mr. Salford, a Crab Apple of an Old Gentleman in the Gardens. Art by Arthur Rackham
lhboudreau: The Fairies Have Their Tiffs With the Birds. Art by Arthur Rackham
lhboudreau: Put His Strange Case Before Old Solomon Caw. Art by Arthur Rackham
lhboudreau: "Preposterous!" Cried Solomon in a Rage. Art by Arthur Rackham
lhboudreau: When they think you are not looking they skip along pretty lively. Art by Arthur Rackham
lhboudreau: These tricky fairies sometimes change the board on a ball night. Art by Arthur Rackham
lhboudreau: Linkmen running in front carrying winter cherries. Art by Arthur Rackham
lhboudreau: An elderberry hobbled across the walk and stood chatting with some young quinces. Art by Arthur Rackham
lhboudreau: Fairies never say, "We feel happy"; what they say is, "We feel dancey." Art by Arthur Rackham
lhboudreau: Looking very undancey indeed. Art by Arthur Rackham
lhboudreau: "The Rhinegold & The Valkyrie" by Richard Wagner. New York: Doubleday Page & Co., 1910. First American Edition
lhboudreau: "Raging, Wotan rides to the rock! Like a storm-wind he comes!" Art by Arthur Rackham
lhboudreau: "The Rhine-Maidens teasing Alberich." Art by Arthur Rackham
lhboudreau: "Mock away! Mock! The Niblung makes for your toy!" Art by Arthur Rackham
lhboudreau: "Seize the despoiler! Rescue the gold! Help us! Help us! Woe! Woe!" Art by Arthur Rackham
lhboudreau: "Freia, the fair one." Art by Arthur Rackham