lhboudreau: Rolling Thunder Riders Cross Memorial Bridge into D.C.
lhboudreau: Rolling Thunder Riders Cross Memorial Bridge into D.C.
lhboudreau: Rolling Thunder Riders Cross Memorial Bridge into D.C.
lhboudreau: Rolling Thunder Riders Greeted With a Salute
lhboudreau: Rolling Thunder, Washington, D.C. (2013)
lhboudreau: Rolling Thunder Riders Greeted With a Salute as They Enter WDC on May 26, 2013
lhboudreau: A Tribute Bike in Rolling Thunder's "Thunder Alley," Washington, D.C., May 26, 2013
lhboudreau: Walking By the Reflecting Pool
lhboudreau: Gathering at the Lincoln Memorial for Rolling Thunder
lhboudreau: The World War II Memorial in D.C.
lhboudreau: The World War II Memorial in D.C.
lhboudreau: The World War II Memorial in Washington, D.C.
lhboudreau: The Washington Monument Encased in its New Scaffolding
lhboudreau: The White House from Constitution Avenue
lhboudreau: Repairing Earthquake Damage (2013)
lhboudreau: Rolling Thunder in Washington, D.C., Memorial Weekend, 2013
lhboudreau: National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial, Washington, D.C.
lhboudreau: Thunder Alley in D.C., May 26, 2013
lhboudreau: Bikers Gather at the Reflecting Pool, May 26, 2013
lhboudreau: Rolling Thunder Rallies at the Pentagon Before Roaring Through DC (May 25, 2014)
lhboudreau: Rolling Thunder Rumbled Through DC (May 25, 2014)