Pho-Tongrafica: the thought of being free
Pho-Tongrafica: hipnosis
Pho-Tongrafica: not fade away
Pho-Tongrafica: riding the dragon
Pho-Tongrafica: man and his noodles
Pho-Tongrafica: one by one, they have gone away
Pho-Tongrafica: 飛鴻二
Pho-Tongrafica: 飛鴻一
Pho-Tongrafica: 爸爸回來了
Pho-Tongrafica: an opening
Pho-Tongrafica: when the sun shines upon my face
Pho-Tongrafica: lingering on
Pho-Tongrafica: two's company, three is a crowd
Pho-Tongrafica: 大白coi
Pho-Tongrafica: come come my lady
Pho-Tongrafica: the future is looking bright
Pho-Tongrafica: not dumb
Pho-Tongrafica: 集体自杀