mcfcrandall: dragonfly 1
mcfcrandall: dragonfly 3
mcfcrandall: dragonfly 2
mcfcrandall: over run
mcfcrandall: on top of my car antenna
mcfcrandall: same size as the head of a screw
mcfcrandall: mama spider and her many little ones 2
mcfcrandall: mama spider and her many little ones
mcfcrandall: baby spiders
mcfcrandall: take-off over Cherry Beach
mcfcrandall: even more seagulls
mcfcrandall: flock of seagulls
mcfcrandall: flying in formation
mcfcrandall: February swan
mcfcrandall: geese on ice
mcfcrandall: the first robin sighting
mcfcrandall: the moth on my dock
mcfcrandall: snail
mcfcrandall: one of many!
mcfcrandall: getting a better view
mcfcrandall: giraffes
mcfcrandall: making new friends
mcfcrandall: my bee on flower pic
mcfcrandall: a well balanced meal
mcfcrandall: the eye of a sheep
mcfcrandall: white lion on watch
mcfcrandall: chippie!
mcfcrandall: pigeon hole - tighter crop
mcfcrandall: another family finds a home in Toronto