Bill Froelich: waiting for clothes to dry
Bill Froelich: Cubs prospect Gus Goose
Bill Froelich: Gus Goose
Bill Froelich: Gus "The Patriot" Goose.
Bill Froelich: gus the goose ready for more rain
Bill Froelich: gus/gussie the goose w/dry jacket
Bill Froelich: poor gus
Bill Froelich: A week before Thanksgiving 2009
Bill Froelich: Cubs prospect Gus Goose
Bill Froelich: yard decor
Bill Froelich: ted turkey
Bill Froelich: gus the goose is hiding behind the bushes
Bill Froelich: 330/365
Bill Froelich: Gus Goose is in a bad way
Bill Froelich: gussie goose welcomes visitors
Bill Froelich: Turkey Day countdown
Bill Froelich: greeting visitors to my home