Gordon Mackie:
Changing Face of the Moon, 2007
Gordon Mackie:
Thurso Bay Noctilucent Clouds Panorama2 3July08
Gordon Mackie:
Thurso Bay Noctilucent Clouds Panorama 3July08
Gordon Mackie:
NLCs Thurso 30July09
Gordon Mackie:
Gordon Mackie:
Gordon Mackie:
EclipseJan4th2011d_sharks fin
Gordon Mackie:
Aurora Over Thurso Castle - 6 Aug 2011
Gordon Mackie:
Ganymede Shadow Transit
Gordon Mackie:
Gordon Mackie:
Gordon Mackie:
Gordon Mackie:
Gordon Mackie:
Auroral surprise
Gordon Mackie:
NLCs over Scrabster
Gordon Mackie:
NLCs from the northern tip the British Mainland
Gordon Mackie:
Earth Wind & Solar Wind
Gordon Mackie:
Loch More - Dark Sky Delight!
Gordon Mackie:
A Night of Aurora Spotting - Caithness Style
Gordon Mackie:
First Telescopic Pics with Canon 650D - Bode's well for future photography sessions
Gordon Mackie:
Caithness Starry Skies
Gordon Mackie:
Aurora Reflected in Thurso Bay
Gordon Mackie:
Aurora - Parting shot as the clouds rolled in
Gordon Mackie:
Red Sky at Night, Aurora Watchers Delight
Gordon Mackie:
Star Trails Over Thurso Castle
Gordon Mackie:
Auroral Reflections (another aurora image from 20th Nov 2012)
Gordon Mackie:
Aurora from Thurso Beach - first aurora for 2013
Gordon Mackie:
Castlehill Milky Way & Aurora
Gordon Mackie:
Castlehill Star Trails & Aurora
Gordon Mackie:
Red Auroral Surprise