dutchfromtexas: First day of diving in the Açores!
dutchfromtexas: 2016-06-05_09-22-39
dutchfromtexas: 2016-06-05_09-24-26
dutchfromtexas: 2016-06-05_09-27-20
dutchfromtexas: 2016-06-05_09-29-38
dutchfromtexas: 2016-06-05_09-49-17
dutchfromtexas: 2016-06-05_09-51-41
dutchfromtexas: 2016-06-05_09-55-10
dutchfromtexas: 2016-06-05_09-56-52
dutchfromtexas: 2016-06-05_09-59-47
dutchfromtexas: 2016-06-05_10-02-39
dutchfromtexas: 2016-06-05_10-07-21
dutchfromtexas: 2016-06-05_10-08-23
dutchfromtexas: 2016-06-05_10-10-37
dutchfromtexas: The traffic hour on San Miguel is beastly!
dutchfromtexas: 2016-06-05_10-13-07
dutchfromtexas: 2016-06-05_10-14-26
dutchfromtexas: Tea time!
dutchfromtexas: 2016-06-05_10-18-08
dutchfromtexas: Seen in Ponta Delgada, San Miguel, Portugal
dutchfromtexas: Seen in Ponta Delgada, San Miguel, Portugal
dutchfromtexas: My new favorite front door!
dutchfromtexas: Inside the Sete Cidade caldera traveling towards the upper lake. Due to high winds, rain and clouds, it was not going to be worth the trouble...
dutchfromtexas: Moinho Vermelho, or Red Windmill, on the north northwest shore of San Miguel. French influence due to settlers from Bretange during Napolean times.
dutchfromtexas: Cathedral ceiling in church on north shore of San Miguel.
dutchfromtexas: Waterfall and bathing pool in a national park on San Miguel. The water averages 25°C most of the time. The lower pool averages 36-38°C.