Samoyeddawn: 26th August 2008321.bmp
Samoyeddawn: 26th August 2008322.bmp
Samoyeddawn: Mei and Tian together animation 26th August 08
Samoyeddawn: 26th August 2008585
Samoyeddawn: 26th August 2008586
Samoyeddawn: 26th August 2008587
Samoyeddawn: 26th August 2008588
Samoyeddawn: 26th August 2008589
Samoyeddawn: 26th August 2008590
Samoyeddawn: 26th August 2008591
Samoyeddawn: Mei and Tian animaion 2nd Sept 08
Samoyeddawn: 4th sept 08406
Samoyeddawn: 4th sept 08407
Samoyeddawn: 4th sept 08408
Samoyeddawn: 4th sept 08409
Samoyeddawn: 4th sept 08410
Samoyeddawn: 4th sept 08411
Samoyeddawn: 4th sept 08412
Samoyeddawn: 13th sept 08374.bmp
Samoyeddawn: 13th sept 08376.bmp
Samoyeddawn: 13th sept 08381.bmp
Samoyeddawn: 13th sept 08383.bmp
Samoyeddawn: 13th sept 08389.bmp
Samoyeddawn: 13th sept 08398.bmp
Samoyeddawn: 13th sept 08401.bmp
Samoyeddawn: 13th sept 08425.bmp
Samoyeddawn: 13th sept 08428.bmp
Samoyeddawn: 13th sept 08432.bmp
Samoyeddawn: 13th sept 08434.bmp
Samoyeddawn: 13th sept 08441.bmp