Contra-Efecto: Uprise.
Contra-Efecto: Ella si que era el fuego.
Contra-Efecto: Outside of town.
Contra-Efecto: -This must be my dream-
Contra-Efecto: In a frozen ground.
Contra-Efecto: The night sky is changing overhead ~
Contra-Efecto: She’s the tear in my heart (I’m on fire)
Contra-Efecto: The Witch.
Contra-Efecto: It's shaking the sky.
Contra-Efecto: Humanos que militan por un mundo de amor,paz y libertad -
Contra-Efecto: Fuerza Natural.
Contra-Efecto: I don't have to fucking tell you anything
Contra-Efecto: Al otro lado del río.
Contra-Efecto: ...and at once I knew I was not magnificent
Contra-Efecto: Everything is blue, his pills, his hands, his jeans.
Contra-Efecto: No way back.
Contra-Efecto: Cerrar un ojo y ver cuántos cuernos tiene el diablo.
Contra-Efecto: No hay vuelta atrás.
Contra-Efecto: Just a legacy to protect.
Contra-Efecto: shining season.
Contra-Efecto: Make it rain <3
Contra-Efecto: Forget me not.
Contra-Efecto: I don’t wanna be a drag ~
Contra-Efecto: Macumbeira.
Contra-Efecto: La espera.
Contra-Efecto: DeathBird.
Contra-Efecto: Refugio.
Contra-Efecto: Aili Serrana