christianmcld: 11080637_827418680660313_8143338914691622469_o
christianmcld: I see shapes in the water. As it ebbs and flows, shapes grow and my mind alters. #thinkingalot
christianmcld: I see shapes in the water. As it ebbs and flows, shapes grow and my mind alters. #thinkingalot
christianmcld: How many people follow me and surf? #dyingtoknow
christianmcld: One from a wonderful night in the middle of nowhere. The place I love to be.
christianmcld: The ocean revives me. Water particles moving, flowing, growing and showing me there's nowhere I'd rather be. Energising my soul.
christianmcld: Hey everyone. I'm back. Sorry it's been a week. Are you all still alive? :) #missinginstagram
christianmcld: Hey everyone. I'm back. Sorry it's been a week. Are you all still alive? :) #missinginstagram
christianmcld: Back to cold water.
christianmcld: Looking forward to getting back to Ireland and putting in some paddle time. I love travelling and seeing new places but there's times I want to be in the semi-familiar and still explore. #whylifeisgood
christianmcld: I've found out at least one reason why I love Indonesia. #whylifeisgood
christianmcld: Apparently I'm about to fly off to Bali. If anyone is around the next two weeks get in contact! :) #whyweareoninstagram
christianmcld: Sunday morning glow. What are you up to this wonderful weekend?
christianmcld: One of my memories from when myself and 5 friends sailed from Ireland to the Hebrides! Full story is up on @stellerstories ! Check it out here #feelthejourney
christianmcld: This shot is from a poin t in my life where i started to see things fiffetently, meet new people and explore new places. @starkfrenchley and @markclinton met up with me in Ireland and we ventured through the Northwest, and had many many pints of Guinness
christianmcld: I have always found waterfalls intriguing. Being in a land known for rain its ironic that i rarely see these beautiful streams in nature. I mostly see them off rooftops in the towns. #itsallaboutthelittlethings
christianmcld: Right now, im in a little place called Munich. Maybe youve heard of it. A place ive had the pleasure of visiting quite a lot over the past few years, and rit looks like ill be here for the next week or so, to do some shooting and some other film editing
christianmcld: Ive been contemplating a lot over various things lately. And one big decision ive made, and im happy to announce, is that I want to begin sharing, in more depth, the stories about my travels, the images i create and the wonderful people i get to meet. I
christianmcld: Back in Europe and Im already missing the yachts and islands. Big shoutout to @alyssa_adventuring who i met out on the Great Barrier Reef, awesome girl who loves life around the ocean! #exploreTNQ
christianmcld: Shapes in the world come variable. Beauty is variable. Life is variable. Never to be judged nor understood, only to be witnessed and experienced... #justfromwhativeexperienced
christianmcld: Tonights mission has been, what I would call, the butter on the banana bread, of what has been an amazing trip so far. Huge thanks to @william_patino and his little family for being so welcoming and cooking a mean bolognese. If you havent already, go ch
christianmcld: People often tell me to follow your dreams. And ive always wondered what the meant, does it mean to work my way as hard as i can and get what i want in terms of profession or leisure? Or does it mean i should find a way to modify my body in order to fly i
christianmcld: Flash back to cold climes...
christianmcld: This is the view from a Hot Air Balloon at dawn above the Atherton Tablelands. Big thanks to @raging__thunder and @tropicalnorthqueensland for making this happen, it was something I'll never forget. #exploreTNQ #thisisqueensland #GoByCamper
christianmcld: From the Atherton Tablelands to Mission beach, definitely a place im holding on my list of "Been there, doing that again." @tropicalnorthqueensland #exploreTNQ #GoByCamper
christianmcld: First time I've stood on and looked over the edge of a waterfall which, if one step was misplaced, would most definitely end your life. I Do Not recommend anyone try this.... But then again i dont recommend a lot of things 😉 @tropicalnorthqueensland
christianmcld: As we walked around recent ruins, which were once built from a mans relentless love for a beautiful woman, we turned a corner only to see an avenue of Karri trees which lead to a roaring waterfall. @paronellapark has magic behind every corner. @tropicalno
christianmcld: Never alone.... @tropicalnorthqueensland #exploreTNQ #missionbeach #GoByCamper
christianmcld: How to relax in the #rainforest Step 1. Get in water #GoByCamper #exploreTNQ
christianmcld: One of the better experiences of my life. I rarely see so many layers and even more rare are they made of rainforest... @skyrail #skyrail @tropicalnorthqueensland #exploreTNQ #GoByCamper