Loraine Blythe:
White Flower.( possibly Myoporum parvifloium)
Loraine Blythe:
Pink Flannel flower.
Loraine Blythe:
New growth.
Loraine Blythe:
Flannel Flowers.
Loraine Blythe:
Yellow Native Flowers. Onagraceae.
Loraine Blythe:
Pink Flannel flowers.
Loraine Blythe:
Loraine Blythe:
Loraine Blythe:
Mount Wilson Fall Colours
Loraine Blythe:
Pink Flannel flower.
Loraine Blythe:
Fall Colours.
Loraine Blythe:
View to Sydney.
Loraine Blythe:
Train from Sydney, at Glenbrook.
Loraine Blythe:
view from Glenbrook lookout.
Loraine Blythe:
Hanging Rock, Blackheath, NSW.
Loraine Blythe:
Echeveria ‘Doris Taylor’ Woolly Rose.
Loraine Blythe:
Purple Iris.
Loraine Blythe:
Sign seen while out exercising. (EXPLORED).
Loraine Blythe:
Grose Valley. NSW.
Loraine Blythe:
Creek ( near Lapstone).NSW.
Loraine Blythe:
Lapstone lookout.
Loraine Blythe:
Autumn colours.
Loraine Blythe:
Pink Protea.
Loraine Blythe:
Waratah arrangement.
Loraine Blythe:
Waratah bouquet.
Loraine Blythe:
The Three sisters.
Loraine Blythe:
Loraine Blythe:
Kalmia latifolia.
Loraine Blythe:
Thelymitra. (Sun Orchids).
Loraine Blythe:
Lambertia formosa. (Mountain Devil).