Loraine Blythe: Lotus seen at the Nan Tien Temple near Wollongong.
Loraine Blythe: Waterlilies at Austral Watergardens, Cowan.
Loraine Blythe: Waterlilies at Austral Watergardens, Cowan.
Loraine Blythe: Waterlily
Loraine Blythe: Waterlily
Loraine Blythe: Waterlily from Austral Watergardens at Cowan.
Loraine Blythe: Frog on Waterlily.
Loraine Blythe: Purple Water Lily
Loraine Blythe: Pink Lotus
Loraine Blythe: Red Lotus
Loraine Blythe: Pink Lotus
Loraine Blythe: Purple Waterlily
Loraine Blythe: Water lily.
Loraine Blythe: Water Lily
Loraine Blythe: Water Lily
Loraine Blythe: Water Lily. ( complete with spider webs).
Loraine Blythe: Waterlily.
Loraine Blythe: Waterlily.
Loraine Blythe: Pink Lotus
Loraine Blythe: Waterlily.
Loraine Blythe: Waterlily.