johncoxon: Tufted duck swimming
johncoxon: tufted duck swimming forward
johncoxon: tufted duck male
johncoxon: tufted duck male side view
johncoxon: tufted duck female swimming
johncoxon: tufted duck at rest
johncoxon: mute swan preening
johncoxon: mute swan male head cob
johncoxon: mute swan male displaying
johncoxon: mute swan male and femal heads
johncoxon: mute swan juvenilles head
johncoxon: mute swan juvenille cignet head
johncoxon: mute swan cignet nesting
johncoxon: mute swan and baby
johncoxon: mute sawn juvenille head
johncoxon: mallard female beauty
johncoxon: mallard female standing
johncoxon: mallard duck male swimming
johncoxon: mallard duck male diving
johncoxon: mallard duck female in grass
johncoxon: Herring gull in flight
johncoxon: herrin gull male
johncoxon: heron in flight
johncoxon: gull2a
johncoxon: great crested grebe
johncoxon: great crested grebe swimming
johncoxon: female mallard
johncoxon: DSC_4896
johncoxon: DSC_0090
johncoxon: coot walking