cnjgp7: _1000826
cnjgp7: Tree growing around some rocks
cnjgp7: _1000852
cnjgp7: flowers
cnjgp7: ball flowers
cnjgp7: gardens light
cnjgp7: fish?
cnjgp7: _1000919
cnjgp7: purple flower
cnjgp7: _1000977
cnjgp7: The Moon
cnjgp7: Camden Harbor
cnjgp7: pink rose-like flowers
cnjgp7: The library
cnjgp7: Crazy tree in the park
cnjgp7: _1010187
cnjgp7: _1010197
cnjgp7: _1010210
cnjgp7: waning gibbos
cnjgp7: Neat old ticket vending machine
cnjgp7: ancient office
cnjgp7: bearded railroad man
cnjgp7: _1010256
cnjgp7: rottin'
cnjgp7: _1010295
cnjgp7: Saw lots of these "spiny" caterpillars
cnjgp7: In the Field
cnjgp7: Over the Washhouse
cnjgp7: Park Light
cnjgp7: "afro" duck in Camden