Cleo McCall:
Steam Roller
Cleo McCall:
Treadmill-powered Butter Churn
Cleo McCall:
Gasoline Engine
Cleo McCall:
Case Steam Tractor
Cleo McCall:
Reversible One Row Plow & Horses
Cleo McCall:
Sawing Wood with a Model T
Cleo McCall:
Sawing Wood with a Model T
Cleo McCall:
Sawing Wood with a Model T
Cleo McCall:
Early "Tricycle"
Cleo McCall:
Butter Churn?
Cleo McCall:
Butter Churn
Cleo McCall:
Cleo McCall:
Plow Team of Horses
Cleo McCall:
Resting from pulling the plow
Cleo McCall:
Old Oil Pull Tractor
Cleo McCall:
Shelling Corn by Hand
Cleo McCall:
Large Old Saw
Cleo McCall:
Gas Engine
Cleo McCall:
John Deere Tractor
Cleo McCall:
Plowing the old way