GreniGraph: 20200801-White hosta flowers.
GreniGraph: 20200802-Just a few chokecherries.
GreniGraph: 20200803-Who's there? Sunflower.
GreniGraph: 20200804-Late afternoon storm.
GreniGraph: 20200805-Zinnia.
GreniGraph: 20200806-Sunflower season.
GreniGraph: 20200807-Top of the trellis.
GreniGraph: 20200808-Little guy.
GreniGraph: 20200809-Garden harvest.
GreniGraph: 20200810-Sunflower seedhead.
GreniGraph: 20200811-Mammatus clouds.
GreniGraph: 20200812-Bee on the sunflowers.
GreniGraph: 20200813-Zinnia, continued.
GreniGraph: 20200814-Moss roses blooming.
GreniGraph: 20200816-Race to the raspberry patch!
GreniGraph: 20200817-Pretty pink morning.
GreniGraph: 20200818-Bee on sage blossoms.
GreniGraph: 20200819-For tomorrow's salad.
GreniGraph: 20200820-Sunsparkler sedum is ready to bloom!
GreniGraph: 20200820-Last night's smoky sundown.
GreniGraph: 20200822-Sunflower dreams.
GreniGraph: 20200823-Milkweed seed pods.
GreniGraph: 20200824-August heat.
GreniGraph: 20200825-Not many grapes this year.
GreniGraph: 20200826-Late afternoon storm headed east.
GreniGraph: 20200827-New berry blues.
GreniGraph: 20200828-Prairie coneflowers.
GreniGraph: 20200829-Cookin' with fire!
GreniGraph: 20200830-Resting spot.
GreniGraph: 20200831-Rain droplets.