GreniGraph: 20170801-Watching bat dances.
GreniGraph: 20170803-Sunflower jungle.
GreniGraph: 20170804-Pink.
GreniGraph: 20170805-Grapes and raindrops.
GreniGraph: 20170806-Dainty dill.
GreniGraph: 20170807-Black Hills sunset.
GreniGraph: 20170808-American goldfinch.
GreniGraph: 20170809-Last light.
GreniGraph: 20170810-Bee and Russian sage flowers.
GreniGraph: 20170812-Asparagus after the rain.
GreniGraph: 20170813-Sunny!
GreniGraph: 20170814-Fast moving storm!
GreniGraph: 20170815-One of last night's lightning bolts.
GreniGraph: 20170816-Runaway squash.
GreniGraph: 20170817-Coneflowers.
GreniGraph: 20170818-Random ripening grapes.
GreniGraph: 20170819-Sundown.
GreniGraph: 20170820-New growth on the Virginia creeper.
GreniGraph: 20170821-This diamond ring...
GreniGraph: 20170822-Clouds above the trees.
GreniGraph: 20170823-Red sky at night.
GreniGraph: 20170824-Black Elk Peak and the Needles.
GreniGraph: 20170825-Black Hills sunset.
GreniGraph: 20170826-Sunset sunflowers.
GreniGraph: 20170827-Geranium blossoms.
GreniGraph: 20170828-Milkweed seed pods.
GreniGraph: 20170829-Pink sundown.
GreniGraph: 20170830-Along Rapid Creek.