GreniGraph: 20190501-Happy May Day!
GreniGraph: 20190502-Morning sparkles.
GreniGraph: 20190503-Roy G. Biv returns.
GreniGraph: 20190504-Sedeveria letizia starting to bloom.
GreniGraph: 20190505-Tiny raspberry plant.
GreniGraph: 20190506-Rainy days and Mondays.
GreniGraph: 20190507-Spring Creek in the mist.
GreniGraph: 20190508-Chokecherries and snow.
GreniGraph: 20190509-Reflections.
GreniGraph: 20190510-Rain showers over the Black Hills.
GreniGraph: 20190511-Dandies.
GreniGraph: 20190512-Blue water.
GreniGraph: 20190513-Moonrise and clouds.
GreniGraph: 20190514-Lilac blossoms.
GreniGraph: 20190515-May flowers.
GreniGraph: 20190516-Sedeveria letizia blossoms.
GreniGraph: 20190517-Pink.
GreniGraph: 20190518-Tiny potentilla leaves.
GreniGraph: 20190519-A budding bleeding heart.
GreniGraph: 20190520-Snow on chokecherry blossoms.
GreniGraph: 20190521-Snow in the lights.
GreniGraph: 20190522-Lilacs blooming in the snow.
GreniGraph: 20190523-The sun will come out... tomorrow?
GreniGraph: 20190524-Bur oak leaves.
GreniGraph: 20190528-How high's the water, Mama?
GreniGraph: 20190529-Rushing Spring Creek.
GreniGraph: 20190530-Flowering pink.
GreniGraph: 20190531-Smoky sunset.