GreniGraph: 20160101-Elk in the shadows.
GreniGraph: 20160102-Most of Orion.
GreniGraph: 20160103-Looking up to the Andromeda Galaxy.
GreniGraph: 20160105-Voting sunrise.
GreniGraph: 20160107-Venus, Saturn, and the crescent moon.
GreniGraph: 20160108-Snowflakes and whitetails.
GreniGraph: 20160109-Balance...
GreniGraph: 20160111-Sunset from Skyline Drive.
GreniGraph: 20160112-End of the day at Mystic Ranger Station.
GreniGraph: 20160113-Sunset over the fairgrounds.
GreniGraph: 20160114-Good morning!
GreniGraph: 20160115-Snowy day in the Black Hills.
GreniGraph: 20160117-A cold day at the ghost town.
GreniGraph: 20160118-Late afternoon clouds over the Black Hills.
GreniGraph: 20160119-Almost sundown.
GreniGraph: 20160120-End of a cloudy day.
GreniGraph: 20160121-A sliver of sunset.
GreniGraph: 20160122-American licorice burrs.
GreniGraph: 20160123-Silver Mountain in snow.
GreniGraph: 20160124-Foggy afternoon.
GreniGraph: 20160125-A little snow on this rocky outcrop.
GreniGraph: 20160126-Morning moon.
GreniGraph: 20160127-Afternoon shadows.
GreniGraph: 20160128-The strong tree along Rapid Creek.
GreniGraph: 20160129-Black Hills sunrise.
GreniGraph: 20160130-A sea of cyclamens.
GreniGraph: 20160131-Venus, Saturn, Mars, and the Moon.