Zoecole: Found the laundry pile!
Zoecole: Evening soccer practice
Zoecole: Time for bed under my bankie
Zoecole: zzzzzzzz long day
Zoecole: Wipe out!!
Zoecole: Annnnnd
Zoecole: not using my hands..
Zoecole: But now I can watch lifetime!
Zoecole: this scooper smells like the floor of my house
Zoecole: tasty
Zoecole: Lets see whats under the bed today
Zoecole: what else around here can I chew?
Zoecole: maybe both.
Zoecole: or church?
Zoecole: Ok, Ready to dry off for breakfast!
Zoecole: HEY LOOK I'm AWAKE!
Zoecole: Uh, I don't think I fit.. where's the ground?
Zoecole: hide and seek! Don't look! I'm hiding!
Zoecole: I haven't been in here in a few hours
Zoecole: doot do doooo
Zoecole: nap time
Zoecole: SHOE! hmm.. this smells funny..
Zoecole: Maybe that wasn't the best plan..
Zoecole: Do I fit under here?
Zoecole: this doesn't taste as good as it looks..
Zoecole: hmm.. is this a bunggie cord or food?
Zoecole: a little more tanning..
Zoecole: Mom! whats this board where did my nom noms go?
Zoecole: wheel! nom nom
Zoecole: mmm kale