osito_tai: Perfection
osito_tai: My first photo of Tai 2012
osito_tai: Hi there everybody
osito_tai: Happy Tai
osito_tai: Comtemplating his boo
osito_tai: Twicky Tai
osito_tai: You are getting sweepy
osito_tai: Cool Dude Tai
osito_tai: Simply adorable
osito_tai: Tai singing to his aunties
osito_tai: Precious
osito_tai: Curious and full of wonder
osito_tai: The boy can eat boo
osito_tai: Mr. Bright Eyes
osito_tai: Hi everybody
osito_tai: It's me again
osito_tai: Bootiful Boo
osito_tai: Me and Tai wish everyone special smiles that make your heart feel happy on Valentine's Day
osito_tai: Da Tinker
osito_tai: Tai and his panna bwead
osito_tai: Tai loving life
osito_tai: Tai loves the fresh air
osito_tai: Da Almost Big Guy
osito_tai: Tai telling me a funny stowee
osito_tai: I tink dat dis is just right.
osito_tai: Tai and his special boo - leaves only
osito_tai: Shy Tai
osito_tai: Handsome Tai
osito_tai: Peaceful Mountain peacefully sleeping
osito_tai: Sleeping Tai