osito_tai: You can't come up here. Dis is my place.
osito_tai: Hmmmmm. I don't know about dis
osito_tai: Hungry Cubbie
osito_tai: Perfection
osito_tai: Cubbie on the go
osito_tai: Somebody needs a baf!
osito_tai: Happy Cubbie
osito_tai: Are you talkin' to me?
osito_tai: Cubbies
osito_tai: Tinkin' about stuff
osito_tai: Checkin' out da pandarazzi
osito_tai: We're not commin' down and you can't make us
osito_tai: Cubbie eating panna bwead
osito_tai: Dis is good
osito_tai: Gotta make sure da other cubbies don't try and steal my milk
osito_tai: Delightful