osito_tai: Sweepy panna wif carrot
osito_tai: Panna Cubbie Carrot meeting
osito_tai: Sweet little cubbie
osito_tai: Panna buddies just eatin' carrots
osito_tai: So sweet
osito_tai: More incoming carrots
osito_tai: Hey, dis is a good one
osito_tai: Thank you for my carrots
osito_tai: Cubbie carrot bliss
osito_tai: 'xcuse me. May I pwease have another carrot?
osito_tai: Hey, is anybody listening?
osito_tai: Incoming
osito_tai: Cutie Pie
osito_tai: Always full of wonder
osito_tai: Precious beyond words
osito_tai: Look, I bet you can't do this!
osito_tai: Tai the Dreamer, Curious and Brilliant (one of my favorite shots)
osito_tai: Resting after a long day of pwaying