osito_tai: Tai playing "Peek a Boo"
osito_tai: A log scratch feels weilly good.
osito_tai: Oh no. I'm upside down (giggle)
osito_tai: Hey, you tink it's easy being me?
osito_tai: Panna Boy just chillin'
osito_tai: Dis is da life.
osito_tai: Sweepy panna boy
osito_tai: Boo Bear
osito_tai: Hey evwybody. It's me, Tai.
osito_tai: Suppa Panna
osito_tai: The Sweetest of Hearts
osito_tai: Oh, Hi everyboy.
osito_tai: Looking into the eyes of the perfect panna boy
osito_tai: I weilly love my fwootsicles
osito_tai: The Prince, Tai Shan Xiang Tian