golfpatphoto: Pie bavarde
Elsa Busto: Acronicta psi
Clive E Jones: Microtendipes pedellus (Chironomid Non-biting midge)
themadbirdlady: Four-spotted Chaser
Andrè the onion seller: 9307 Rosa canina - Dog rose; Dog briar; Witch's briar etc
themadbirdlady: Another horny friend
dave p brecks: Hawthorn.
bedeauannabelle: That Time Of Year
Gary Padgett: Nellie
BP Chua: Brown-throated Sunbird
D@nnyR Photogr@phics: The "Heart" of the matter.
Michel NOEL => 2 M views .Thanks to visits: 011A4845_Michel_NOEL_©_2023
Andrè the onion seller: 8829 Japanese flowering cherry - Prunus serrulata
billblakemore: Welney Wagtail
themadbirdlady: Common Woodpigeon
Gary Padgett: Jumping Jasper
Andrè the onion seller: 7875 Bae Conwy
themadbirdlady: Male Greater Rhea portrait
billblakemore: Long tailed Tit
billblakemore: Reed Bunting
Mobile Lynn: Herring Gull 504_6683.jpg
Gjammin: Cwnm pennant
themadbirdlady: Long-tailed Tit