joone!: Matcha
joone!: Mignardises, matcha, "world peace"
joone!: Mignardises, matcha, "world peace"
joone!: Slow down - butternut squash, mandarin
joone!: Fade into each other - aged chestnut and wild grape "Mont Blanc", blue cheese meringue, run ice cream
joone!: Fade into each other - aged chestnut and wild grape "Mont Blanc", blue cheese meringue, run ice cream
joone!: Cheese
joone!: The begging of cold winter - char-grilled pigeon, asari clam jus, taro, leek, chicory like a fallen leaf, guts' sauce
joone!: The begging of cold winter - char-grilled pigeon, asari clam jus, taro, leek, chicory like a fallen leaf, guts' sauce
joone!: Grandma's taste - tiny chawan-mushy, shijimi clam and mushroom consommé, freshly grated wasabi
joone!: When the cold wind blows - snow crab and sweet potato soup, soft cod row and wild boar caramel, salt preserve lemon
joone!: When the cold wind blows - snow crab and sweet potato soup, soft cod row and wild boar caramel, salt preserve lemon
joone!: When the cold wind blows - snow crab and sweet potato soup, soft cod row and wild boar caramel, salt preserve lemon
joone!: When the cold wind blows - snow crab and sweet potato soup, soft cod row and wild boar caramel, salt preserve lemon
joone!: A snow day - amadai tilefish gently cooked in whey, celeriac, olive oil
joone!: A snow day - amadai tilefish gently cooked in whey, celeriac, olive oil
joone!: A fixed point - 4 hour cooked Tokyo turnip, parsley, basque Han and brioche
joone!: A fixed point - 4 hour cooked Tokyo turnip, parsley, basque Han and brioche
joone!: Reminiscence - tribute to Oliver Roellinger. Barracuda, pumpkin, dried carrot, green yuzu vinaigrette, Neptune spice
joone!: Reminiscence - tribute to Oliver Roellinger. Barracuda, pumpkin, dried carrot, green yuzu vinaigrette, Neptune spice
joone!: Sourdough and sour cream and olive oil spread
joone!: Apple pie
joone!: Apple pie
joone!: Awakening - porcini, kawahagi, kujo-negi
joone!: Awakening - porcine, kawahagi, kujo-negi
joone!: Olives
joone!: l'effervescence, Tokyo
joone!: l'effervescence, Tokyo