Howard Schneider:
Pausing to remember
Howard Schneider:
I found my name
Howard Schneider:
Howard Schneider:
Our Security detail
Howard Schneider:
Howard Schneider:
Howard Schneider:
On the Steps of the Choral Synagogue
Howard Schneider:
Sid Handler at the Choral Synagogue
Howard Schneider:
Russian build Memorial in Kovno
Howard Schneider:
Mel reflecting
Howard Schneider:
Evelyn Amongst a Sea of Yellow Stars
Howard Schneider:
Mark on Ben Yehuda
Howard Schneider:
Howard Schneider:
Mel at the Shook
Howard Schneider:
Mel in Kovno
Howard Schneider:
My Cousin Mark and I in Birkinau
Howard Schneider:
MOTL Staff
Howard Schneider:
Irv explains the Jewish Burial Rituals
Howard Schneider:
Mel & Norman in Lodz
Howard Schneider:
Little Norman in the Choral Synagogue
Howard Schneider:
Young Girl on a Train
Howard Schneider:
Lighting Candles in Warsaw's only Synagogue, the Nozyk Synagogue
Howard Schneider:
Gefilte Fish
Howard Schneider:
Mel at the Wall