oncentral.kpcc: A reflective vest and gloves are the uniform of the trade
oncentral.kpcc: Chatting with one of many people George Rios encounters every day
oncentral.kpcc: The carts are clipped onto the truck to keep them in place
oncentral.kpcc: Doing a delivery at a market in South L.A.
oncentral.kpcc: Loading a cart onto the back of the truck
oncentral.kpcc: George Rios driving his beat in South L.A.
oncentral.kpcc: Driving with the windows open, always
oncentral.kpcc: Dumping out trash from a cart
oncentral.kpcc: Picking up a cart from a commercial street in South L.A.
oncentral.kpcc: Removing carts from a recycling center
oncentral.kpcc: Outside a recycling center
oncentral.kpcc: Picking up carts in South L.A.