crystalrogers1: DSCN0657
crystalrogers1: DSCN0668
crystalrogers1: DSCN0667
crystalrogers1: DSCN0666
crystalrogers1: DSCN0664
crystalrogers1: DSCN0663
crystalrogers1: DSCN0661
crystalrogers1: DSCN0675
crystalrogers1: crystaldaveaage
crystalrogers1: Hello again.
crystalrogers1: California Clipper
crystalrogers1: Pouty McPoutersons
crystalrogers1: Casey, David and Clark St.
crystalrogers1: Street walkers
crystalrogers1: David at dusk
crystalrogers1: New Pornographers at dusk
crystalrogers1: Polka dot shoes, dirt, yellow pants, more dirt.
crystalrogers1: Farewell Scalar
crystalrogers1: Yellow pants
crystalrogers1: Bloody Ed and Casey
crystalrogers1: Andrew Jeff and Ed
crystalrogers1: Laura and Grant
crystalrogers1: Kristin and Mike
crystalrogers1: Gabriel and Nicholas
crystalrogers1: DSCN0612