avesjohn: Crescent
avesjohn: Rock Sandpipers and Black Turnstone
avesjohn: Rock Sandpipers and Black Turnstone
avesjohn: Rock Sandpipers and Black Turnstone
avesjohn: Male Northern Parula
avesjohn: Rock Sandpiper
avesjohn: Rock Sandpiper
avesjohn: Rock Sandpiper
avesjohn: Red-necked Grebe
avesjohn: Red-necked Grebe
avesjohn: Long-billed Curlew
avesjohn: Male Hooded Oriole
avesjohn: Male Hooded Oriole
avesjohn: Male and female Hooded Oriole
avesjohn: Male Hooded Oriole
avesjohn: Male Hooded Oriole
avesjohn: Brant
avesjohn: Marbled Godwits
avesjohn: Barn Swallow
avesjohn: Barn Swallow
avesjohn: Barn Swallow
avesjohn: Female Red Crossbill
avesjohn: Female Red Crossbill
avesjohn: Male Red Crossbill
avesjohn: Male Red Crossbill
avesjohn: Male Red Crossbill
avesjohn: Male Red Crossbill
avesjohn: Male Red Crossbill
avesjohn: Male Red Crossbill
avesjohn: Male Red Crossbill