avesjohn: Arctic Loon
avesjohn: Cactus Wren
avesjohn: Red-necked Stint
avesjohn: Female Ruff
avesjohn: Snowy Egret
avesjohn: Snowy Egret
avesjohn: Blue-footed Boobies
avesjohn: Brown Booby
avesjohn: Brown Booby
avesjohn: Brown Booby (center)
avesjohn: Cassin's Kingbird
avesjohn: Ocean Sunfish
avesjohn: Shortfin Mako shark
avesjohn: Male Orange Bishop
avesjohn: Cackling Goose
avesjohn: Brown Pelicans & Blue-footed Booby
avesjohn: Insert your own caption
avesjohn: I couldn't NOT include this shot of the adult Masked Booby crapping
avesjohn: Adult and subadult Masked Booby
avesjohn: Black-vented Shearwater
avesjohn: Subadult Masked Booby
avesjohn: Brandt's Cormorants & Masked Booby
avesjohn: Male Williamson's Sapsucker
avesjohn: View of the high desert
avesjohn: Blue-footed Booby
avesjohn: Surfbird
avesjohn: Red-throated Pipit
avesjohn: Prothonotary Warbler
avesjohn: Magnolia Warbler
avesjohn: Hybrid American x Black Oystercatcher