avesjohn: Clark's Nutcracker
avesjohn: American Pika
avesjohn: Least Chipmunk
avesjohn: Least Chipmunk
avesjohn: Red Squirrel
avesjohn: American Red Squirrel
avesjohn: Mountain Chickadee
avesjohn: Quaking Aspen
avesjohn: Hidden Peak
avesjohn: View from the tram
avesjohn: Mountain Goat with calf
avesjohn: Mountain Bluebird
avesjohn: Common Garter Snake
avesjohn: Western Terrestrial Garter Snake
avesjohn: Western Terrestrial Garter Snake
avesjohn: Great Horned Owl
avesjohn: Pronghorn
avesjohn: Common Side-blotched Lizard
avesjohn: Rock Wren
avesjohn: Pronghorn
avesjohn: Pronghorn
avesjohn: American Bison
avesjohn: View from the top
avesjohn: American Pika
avesjohn: American Bison
avesjohn: Pronghorn
avesjohn: Pronghorn
avesjohn: Pronghorn