avesjohn: Northern Pacific Rattlesnake
avesjohn: Northern Pacific Rattlesnake
avesjohn: Tailed Copper
avesjohn: Northern Pacific Rattlesnake
avesjohn: Ospreys at nest
avesjohn: Double-crested Cormorant
avesjohn: Red Knot
avesjohn: Baird's Sandpiper
avesjohn: Baird's and Western Sandpipers
avesjohn: Western White
avesjohn: California Pitcher-Plant
avesjohn: Dead bugs inside a pitcher-plant
avesjohn: Siskiyou Field Institute
avesjohn: White Fir
avesjohn: Noble Fir
avesjohn: Mountain Maple
avesjohn: Sadler's Oak
avesjohn: Mountain Hemlocks
avesjohn: View from Mt. Elijah Summit (6329 ft)
avesjohn: Where serpentine soil (right) meets non-serpentine (left)
avesjohn: Jeffrey Pine
avesjohn: Jeffrey Pine cone
avesjohn: Huckleberry Oak
avesjohn: Siskiyou Mat
avesjohn: Palm Warbler
avesjohn: Cackling and Greater White-fronted Goose
avesjohn: Brown Creeper
avesjohn: Lapland Longspur
avesjohn: Parasitic Jaeger
avesjohn: Pacific Golden-Plovers