avesjohn: Female Great-tailed Grackle
avesjohn: Northern Mockingbirds
avesjohn: Great Kiskadee
avesjohn: Vermilion Flycatcher
avesjohn: Curve-billed Thrasher
avesjohn: Laughing Gull
avesjohn: Neotropic Cormorants
avesjohn: Blue-winged Teal
avesjohn: Mottled Ducks and Mallard
avesjohn: Tricolored Heron
avesjohn: Mexican and Mottled Ducks
avesjohn: Rose-bellied Lizard
avesjohn: Golden-fronted Woodpecker
avesjohn: Eastern Cottontail
avesjohn: Ladder-backed Woodpecker
avesjohn: Bronzed Cowbird
avesjohn: Loggerhead Shrike, White-tailed Hawk, and Brown-headed Cowbirds
avesjohn: Collared Peccary
avesjohn: Crested Carcara
avesjohn: Anhinga
avesjohn: Least Grebe
avesjohn: Black-bellied Whistling-Ducks
avesjohn: Sandhill Cranes
avesjohn: American Alligator
avesjohn: Common Gallinule
avesjohn: Green Jay
avesjohn: Burrowing Owl
avesjohn: Pyrrhuloxia
avesjohn: Couch's Kingbird
avesjohn: Green Jay