avesjohn: Two rainbows
avesjohn: Brant
avesjohn: Common Goldeneye
avesjohn: Wrentits
avesjohn: Northern Pygmy-Owl
avesjohn: California Sea Lions
avesjohn: Red-breasted Mergansers
avesjohn: Marbled Godwits
avesjohn: Ruddy Turnstone
avesjohn: Red-shouldered Hawk
avesjohn: Northern Rough-winged Swallows
avesjohn: Northern Flicker
avesjohn: Common (left) and Red-breasted (right) Mergansers
avesjohn: Marsh Wren
avesjohn: Harlequin Duck
avesjohn: Pileated Woodpecker
avesjohn: Pileated Woodpecker
avesjohn: Common Loon
avesjohn: Glaucous Gull
avesjohn: Black-footed Albatross
avesjohn: Black-footed Albatross
avesjohn: Black-footed Albatross
avesjohn: Black-footed Albatross
avesjohn: Sierran Treefrog
avesjohn: Rough-skinned Newt
avesjohn: Rough-skinned Newt
avesjohn: Surf and Black Scoters
avesjohn: California Sea Lion
avesjohn: American Goldfinch
avesjohn: Sage Thrasher