Tongxiao86: 京都丹坡風情畫
Tongxiao86: IMG_4827
Tongxiao86: IMG_4826
Tongxiao86: IMG_4781
Tongxiao86: IMG_4776
Tongxiao86: canción de rosas玫瑰之歌song of roses
Tongxiao86: Rosas en el viento風中的玫瑰Roses in the wind (1)
Tongxiao86: Mi sobrino pequeño practicando tocar el clavicémbalo del siglo XVI 小侄子練習彈奏16世紀的羽管鍵琴 My little nephew practicing playing the 16th century harpsichord
Tongxiao86: Mi sobrino pequeño practicando tocar el clavicémbalo del siglo XVI 小侄子練習彈奏16世紀的羽管鍵琴 My little nephew practicing playing the 16th century harpsichord
Tongxiao86: La hormiga mueve la espiga de trigo螞蟻搬動麥穗The ant moves ear of wheat
Tongxiao86: pequeño pianista小小鋼琴家little pianist
Tongxiao86: pequeño pianista小小鋼琴家little pianist
Tongxiao86: pequeño pianista小小鋼琴家little pianist
Tongxiao86: pequeño pianista小小鋼琴家little pianist
Tongxiao86: verano夏summer
Tongxiao86: V毛瓣毛蕊花Verbascum blattaria (2)
Tongxiao86: V毛瓣毛蕊花Verbascum blattaria (1)
Tongxiao86: recogiendo champiñone采蘑菇picking mushroom
Tongxiao86: Dulces sueños@甜夢@Doux rêves @Süsse Träume@ Sweet dreams.
Tongxiao86: 咸豐草花上的奇波灰蝶Euchrysops cnejus on the Compositae
Tongxiao86: Cachorro vegetariana素食小狗狗vegetarian puppy
Tongxiao86: sueño de mimosa含羞草之夢dream of mimosa
Tongxiao86: canna samba美人蕉森巴舞
Tongxiao86: Tirumala septentrionis嗇青斑蝶Dark Blue Tiger
Tongxiao86: 夢中的婚禮Mariage d'amour(保羅•德•塞內維爾)
Tongxiao86: Mi sobrino pequeño está tocando el piano en el centro comercial.小侄子在商場彈琴My little nephew is playing the piano at the mall
Tongxiao86: Vals de abeja蜜蜂華爾茲Bee waltz
Tongxiao86: Cuando la agachadiza y la almeja compiten, el pescador gana鷸蚌相爭漁人得利When the snipe and the clam compete, the fisherman gains
Tongxiao86: ¡Hola abril!四月你好!Hello April!
Tongxiao86: 春江水暖 上野公园不忍池