Comrade King:
“Jolly 60” by Scandinavian Grinder
Comrade King:
Noisy Traincarts
Comrade King:
Cloudvision - Norn
Comrade King:
Harvesting 2020
Comrade King:
The Good Fight in Cloudvision
Comrade King:
BirdCam slow motion
Comrade King:
BirdCam 2
Comrade King:
Sparrows in slow mo.
Comrade King:
Falcon 9 launch as seen on TV.
Comrade King:
Female House Sparrow at work
Comrade King:
Gulls on the lawn (2)
Comrade King:
Gulls on the lawn (1)
Comrade King:
Road bridge removal
Comrade King:
It started with a Big Bang.
Comrade King:
Cloudvision - Cowbell is my Savior
Comrade King:
Inside renovation from the outside
Comrade King:
Suzanne Menzel “Farewell Nancy”
Comrade King:
Over Lille og Storebælt i tog
Comrade King:
Slowly leaving Copenhagen
Comrade King:
Pigeon fight!
Comrade King:
Foucault’s Pendulum in Traffic Tower East
Comrade King:
The Passenger
Comrade King:
Tick-Tock in Tivoli
Comrade King:
Cloudvision - The Balcony
Comrade King:
Crossing the Little Belt (re-upload)
Comrade King:
The Roller, the Stomper and the Digger
Comrade King:
Big digger
Comrade King:
Domesticated Dinosaurs
Comrade King:
Babbling Brook video
Comrade King:
two minutes of fireworks