Jerry Acton: Sharp-shinned Hawk in Snow Storm
Jerry Acton: Snow Bunting Flock in Tree
Jerry Acton: Red Squirrel in Snow Storm
Jerry Acton: Cedar Waxwing Courtship
Jerry Acton: Young Sharp-shinned Hawk on Post
Jerry Acton: Bald Eagle in Snowstorm
Jerry Acton: Dad with 5 Juvenile Bluebirds
Jerry Acton: Male Baltimore Oriole
Jerry Acton: Cardinal by Cranberry Bush
Jerry Acton: Mom Killdeer with Chicks
Jerry Acton: Acorn Woodpecker Pair in Nest
Jerry Acton: Male Pileated Woodpecker Looking for Bugs
Jerry Acton: Male Rose-breasted Grosbeak in Redbud Tree
Jerry Acton: Gray Squirrel in Snow