challenger13: Ontario Southland Railway at Woodstock
challenger13: Pickup
challenger13: Arriving at Woodstock
challenger13: CPR Woodstock
challenger13: Wagons of Fall
challenger13: Heading Home
challenger13: F Unit Glint
challenger13: Arriving at Putnam
challenger13: Cars for the Mill
challenger13: Putnam Bound
challenger13: Tunnel of Color
challenger13: Through the Farm Fields
challenger13: OSR F's Near Beachville
challenger13: Late Afternoon Pickup
challenger13: Heading to Ingersoll
challenger13: Cruising through Ingersoll
challenger13: F's at Beachville
challenger13: Coming Off the CN
challenger13: While On the Subject
challenger13: OSR FP9's and Racks
challenger13: F Units and a Switch Stand
challenger13: Sounding Great!
challenger13: Almost Done for the Day
challenger13: F’s in the House
challenger13: F Unit Queens
challenger13: Almost Done for the Day