challenger13: Missabe in Oshkosh on the WC
challenger13: Wig Wag at Van Dyne
challenger13: Cowls and Towers
challenger13: WC meets SP
challenger13: Santa Fe at Schiller Park
challenger13: Foggy in Des Plaines
challenger13: WC at Schiller
challenger13: Division St. in Oshkosh
challenger13: Missabe in Van Dyne
challenger13: Cowls at Belmont
challenger13: SP on Byron Hill
challenger13: WC in Oshkosh
challenger13: Ore Move
challenger13: FP45 at Deval
challenger13: Draper Taper in Des Plaines
challenger13: GE Cowls on WC
challenger13: Street Running and a Griswold
challenger13: '45's at Rugby
challenger13: C&NW on the WC at Schiller
challenger13: This is May?
challenger13: Three Flares Head North
challenger13: WC at Schiller Park
challenger13: Classy Cowl
challenger13: A Meeting of '45's
challenger13: Waiting for a Crew
challenger13: Cowl Classic
challenger13: Santa Fe in Cheeseland
challenger13: Cowl Classic
challenger13: F's on the Old SOO
challenger13: Deval with a Flare