shermaniac: Ghent: my room at the Hotel Erasmus
shermaniac: Ghent: my room at the Hotel Erasmus
shermaniac: Ghent University Library: back entrance
shermaniac: Ghent University Library: street in front of library
shermaniac: Ghent University Library: reading room
shermaniac: Ghent University Library: staircase in reading room
shermaniac: Ghent University Library: view toward book tower
shermaniac: Ghent University Library
shermaniac: Ghent University Library: book tower
shermaniac: Ghent: Dagblad Vooruit
shermaniac: Ghent: Dagblad Vooruit
shermaniac: Ghent: Vooruit
shermaniac: Ghent: Vooruit
shermaniac: Ghent: view up Hoogstraat toward St Michael's
shermaniac: Ghent: looking toward St Michael's Bridge
shermaniac: Ghent: old post office, on the Korenmarkt
shermaniac: Ghent: around the corner from my hotel on Hoogstraat
shermaniac: Ghent: Poel
shermaniac: Design Museum Ghent: service entrance with "sign" for exhibition
shermaniac: Design Museum Ghent: service entrance with "sign" for exhibition
shermaniac: Ghent: rainbow flag on building with gay bar A PL+SS and GLBT center Casa Rosa
shermaniac: Ghent: tower on Beziekapellstraat
shermaniac: Vooruit: canal side
shermaniac: Vooruit: canal side
shermaniac: Terras next to Vooruit
shermaniac: Ghent: lobby of Dageblad Vooruit building
shermaniac: Ghent: St. Peter's Church
shermaniac: Alpheus from a Flemish painting at the MSKG
shermaniac: Maarten van Heemskerck: Man of Sorrows (detail)
shermaniac: Maarten van Heemskerck: Man of Sorrows