shermaniac: Nile, NY: site of Overbrook Farm, across river, near tall fir tree
shermaniac: Nile, NY: past the rusty mailbox toward site of Overbrook Farm
shermaniac: Nile, NY: Doug contemplates entering the meadow
shermaniac: turkeys across the street from site
shermaniac: Nile, NY: site of Overbrook Farm
shermaniac: Wells Cemetery, Little Genesee, NY: Doug cleans off a marker
shermaniac: Wells Cemetery, Little Genesee, NY: Grotjahns
shermaniac: Wells Cemetery, Little Genesee, NY
shermaniac: Wells Cemetery, Little Genesee, NY: marker for Joel Crandall
shermaniac: salmon poppy in front of Zoe's
shermaniac: getting ready for the ppt of family matters
shermaniac: spread of pictures & documents
shermaniac: sitting in the parlor
shermaniac: Bonnie rises to the occasion
shermaniac: Letchworth: walking along the old Genesee Canal towpath
shermaniac: Letchworth: Jeanette contemplates the view
shermaniac: Letchworth: the gorge ...
shermaniac: Letchworth: the gorge ...
shermaniac: Letchworth: the gorge ...
shermaniac: Letchworth: looking out over the gorge from ledge near Parade Grounds
shermaniac: Letchworth: we startled the Grotjahns with a good gorge
shermaniac: Letchworth: top of Middle Falls
shermaniac: Letchworth: the other side of the gorge
shermaniac: Letchworth: the other side of the gorge
shermaniac: Letchworth: Green Lizards for Doug and me; where's mine going?
shermaniac: Letchworth: Bonnie got the red wine flight
shermaniac: Letchworth: the other side of the gorge
shermaniac: Letchworth: turkey vulture soars
shermaniac: Letchworth: Middle Falls
shermaniac: Letchworth: we contemplate the turkey vultures