shermaniac: Venice: S Maria della Salute and S Marco
shermaniac: Venice: view of S Marco from tower of S Giorgio Maggiore
shermaniac: Venice: view of S Marco from tower of S Giorgio Maggiore
shermaniac: Venice: view from Ca' d'Oro
shermaniac: Venice: sunset from our house
shermaniac: Venice: sunset from our house
shermaniac: Venice
shermaniac: Venice: view from Ca' d'Oro
shermaniac: Venice: S Francesco della Vigna; cloister
shermaniac: Venice: S Francesco della Vigna; cloister
shermaniac: Venice: S Francesco della Vigna; cloister
shermaniac: Venice
shermaniac: Venice: view from our house, looking away from Rialto Bridge
shermaniac: Venice: view toward Rialto Bridge from our house
shermaniac: Venice: Sharon at our house
shermaniac: Venice: view of San Marco from La Giudecca
shermaniac: Venice: S Maria dei Miracoli
shermaniac: Venice
shermaniac: Venice
shermaniac: Venice
shermaniac: Venice
shermaniac: Venice: SS Giovanni e Paolo
shermaniac: Venice: SS Giovanni e Paolo and entrance to hospital in background
shermaniac: Venice
shermaniac: Venice