shermaniac: Brooklyn Bridge
shermaniac: NYC: empty warehouse remains in Dumbo
shermaniac: NYC: Manhattan Bridge Anchorage, from streets of Dumbo
shermaniac: Brooklyn Bridge
shermaniac: NYC: view toward Municipal Building
shermaniac: NYC: Manhattan Bridge from the streets of Dumbo
shermaniac: NYC: sunset from Coney Island beach
shermaniac: NYC: sunset from Coney Island beach
shermaniac: NYC: Coney Island, Thanksgiving expedition 2000
shermaniac: NYC: Coney Island, Thanksgiving expedition 2000
shermaniac: NYC: Coney Island, Thanksgiving expedition 2000
shermaniac: NYC: view toward Empire State Building
shermaniac: NYC: Chinatown
shermaniac: NYC: Lower East Side
shermaniac: NYC: view up Greene Street from Washington Place
shermaniac: NYC: Our Lady of Pompei Church
shermaniac: streets of Harlem
shermaniac: Brooklyn: taking off the siding
shermaniac: Brooklyn: "touch not my annointed"
shermaniac: Brooklyn: Washington Street
shermaniac: NYC: Convent Ave and West 150th Street
shermaniac: NYC: where the Alexander Hamilton House used to be
shermaniac: NYC: Alexander Hamilton House, in its new location
shermaniac: NYC: where the Alexander Hamilton House used to be
shermaniac: NYC: near Convent Ave and West 150th Street, just up the street from those great windows
shermaniac: NYC: on St Nicholas Avenue (great house, not so great environs)