shermaniac: Pyrenees
shermaniac: La Seu d'Urgell: Olympic park
shermaniac: La Seu d'Urgell
shermaniac: La Seu d'Urgell: from the room at the Parador
shermaniac: Spain: on the way to the Pyrenees
shermaniac: Spain: on the way to the Pyrenees
shermaniac: Spain: on the way to the Pyrenees
shermaniac: Madrid: present home of the Sociedad General de Autores y Editores
shermaniac: Valldarques: on the way
shermaniac: Valldarques: almost there
shermaniac: Valldarques
shermaniac: Valldarques
shermaniac: Valldarques: Saint Romà
shermaniac: Valldarques: Saint Romà
shermaniac: Coll de Nargó, Spain: San Climent
shermaniac: Pyrenees: Rubió, on the way from La Seu to Sort
shermaniac: Birks in Pyrenees
shermaniac: Pyrenees: La Pobla de Lillet
shermaniac: Pyrenees
shermaniac: Pyrenees: Viu de Llevata, on the way between La Seu and Tahull; Church of Santa Maria
shermaniac: Pyrenees
shermaniac: Pyrenees
shermaniac: Pyrenees: Sort, Spain
shermaniac: Madrid: Plaza de Colón
shermaniac: Madrid: view from my hotel room, up toward Plaza de Santa Ana
shermaniac: bull profiles along road to Pyrenees
shermaniac: Alcañiz: view from the Parador
shermaniac: Tahull: view toward San Clemente and mountains
shermaniac: Tahull: San Clemente (San Climent)