shermaniac: "Entering Sherman County" (Nebraska)
shermaniac: "Entering Sherman County" (Nebraska)
shermaniac: "GRAVEL ENDS" near Sherman Reservoir, Loup City, Neb.
shermaniac: "Welcome to Loup City, home of Sherman Reservoir" (Nebraska)
shermaniac: Allegheny College: college sign and street sign
shermaniac: Allegheny College: street sign
shermaniac: ARLIS/NA-VRA joint conference 2002: down the slide at Children's Museum
shermaniac: around the house: back porch and lilacs about to burst forth
shermaniac: around the house: cat trail along creek, with flowers
shermaniac: around the house: ferns on creek bank
shermaniac: around the house: flowers along driveway
shermaniac: around the house: flowers and stuff
shermaniac: around the house: flowers in front yard
shermaniac: around the house: flowers in North yard
shermaniac: around the house: lilacs
shermaniac: around the house: North yard with flowers and apple blossoms
shermaniac: around the house: out back
shermaniac: around the house: pink flowers on North side
shermaniac: at Rachel's after latest round of Mohs surgery and repair
shermaniac: before the move
shermaniac: before the move, and before packing
shermaniac: Belfast, NY: corner of Sherman and Angel streets
shermaniac: Belfast, NY: house and church on Sherman Street
shermaniac: Belfast, NY: house on Sherman Street
shermaniac: Birks in Pyrenees
shermaniac: Birks in snow
shermaniac: Denver, Colo.: looking down Colfax from Sherman
shermaniac: Denver, Colo.: looking down Sherman Street toward the Capitol
shermaniac: Denver, Colo.: row houses at Sherman and 11th
shermaniac: Diane and Sherman with Diane's Subaru, 2006